Close-up of a lion

The sun was shining high in the African sky when Lion, Jackal, and Wild Dog went out hunting together. It did not take them long before they had brought down a wildebeest, a springbok, and a hare.

Lion spoke to Wild Dog. “My cousin, how shall we divide our food today?” Wild Dog answered, “My King, I think that you should have the wildebeest, our friend Jackal should have the hare, and for myself, I don’t mind if I have the springbok.”

Lion’s eyes had grown wide and fierce. He raised his mighty paw and knocked Wild Dog to the ground. With one eyebrow raised, Lion turned to Jackal, “Now, my good friend, you may like to divide our meal a little better.” Jackal spoke with a serious heart, “My King, the wildebeest will be your lunch, the springbok will be your dinner, and the hare you shall have for breakfast tomorrow morning.”

Lion was taken aback, “Jackal, when did you become so wise?” Jackal responded simply, “When I saw Wild Dog lying on the ground.”

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