
This is a charming African story explaining the long neck of the Giraffe.

In the beginning, the Creator gave the Giraffe the same legs and neck as all the other animals; in fact, the Giraffe resembled the larger antelope. All was well until the drought came.

As the best grazing and browsing were eaten, the animals began to go hungry. One day, Giraffe and his friend Rhino were talking, “Oh, Rhino, there are too many animals looking for grass on the plains; all they do is trample the last remaining grass.” Despite the dire situation, Giraffe’s determination to find a solution was unwavering.

Rhino suggested they go see the man-magician, a wise and powerful figure known for his ability to solve problems. After they told him their story, the man-magician told them to come back at noon the following day, and he would help them.

Giraffe, filled with hope, went to see the man-magician. They waited and waited for Rhino, who, unfortunately, had forgotten the plan.

Finally, the man-magician gave the Giraffe all the magic medicine, including Rhino’s share. That potent potion made his neck and legs grow long. Since that day, Giraffe has been able to feast on the succulent leaves on the treetops, which he now has all to himself.

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